Tips for Achieving Excellent Powder Brows on Thick, Oily Skin 

Why do our artists consistently achieve excellent results on clients with thick, oily “orange peel” skin? The answer lies in employing specific tactics tailored to this skin type.

Why do our artists consistently achieve excellent results on clients with thick, oily "orange peel" skin? The answer lies in employing specific tactics tailored to this skin type. Here are seven tips particularly useful for artists who are either just starting out or encountering challenges with thicker, oily skin.

Seven Tips:

  • TIP 1: Opt for organic pigments in warm colors. Modify them with a touch of yellow tone if necessary.

  • TIP 2: Reduce the machine's speed and slow down your hand movements. Slower pacing is key to achieving optimal results.

  • TIP 3: Select a good hand placement position on the client's head, as you'll need to stretch the skin more firmly to create a smooth surface for the procedure.

  • TIP 4: Execute gentle, short strokes, essentially "floating" above the skin. You can use a 3-3.5 high stroke machine, but avoid penetrating too deeply; the number of pigment layers determines the intensity, not the depth. 

  • TIP 5: Consistently dry the working area. Thick, oily skin produces more blood, excess sebum, and a mixture of plasma, water, and proteins.

  • TIP 6: Limit the length of each session to avoid excessive skin damage. Opt for shorter treatment times.

  • TIP 7: If a patch test indicates high moisture levels in the skin, employ the "Dry Care" healing strategy- avoid soaking and rinsing the area for two weeks post-procedure.

  • 7.5 Extra tip: Plan a retouch session between 8-12 weeks; schedule a second retouch to fine-tune the results if necessary.

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